I know it sounds funny but it’s true, it’s so easy to roll out of bed and into your workspace rocking it in your PJ’s and slippers especially on those cold winter mornings!
Instead, go to your exercise class, have a hearty breakfast, make your coffee and settle in for the day, it really makes a huge difference to your productivity when you hit the ground running.
One of our kimonos is a great way to dress up an outfit quickly, ahead of that zoom call! And you could still wear your comfy pants underneath if you wanted too!
Our founder and CEO, Jodie Minto runs iland co. from a dedicated home office and understands the importance of having an official 'work zone' that is separate to normal living areas.
It's important to have a designated workspace as you are going to be spending a lot of time in there, so you need to create a sanctuary that you’re happy and content in. If you have an office fill it with plants and a few sentimental items, keep it clean and comfortable and also try and avoid clutter.
If you don’t have an office choose a space in your home that’s quiet and comfortable and where you can avoid distractions. The urge to do a little gardening or clean out the pantry is real so do be mindful of this.
Often when you work from home family and friends think this is an invitation to pop in for a cuppa, call up for a chat or ask you to do an emergency school run.
You need to be firm and clearly outline to your loved ones that your work time is not to be disturbed and that you will catch them outside of your designated work hours.
Working from home can be isolating and sometimes quite lonely. Try and find a network of people you can connect with whether it’s joining a relevant Facebook group, a local BNI chapter or getting together for weekly coffee catch ups with other people in your industry.
Connecting with people, bouncing ideas around or sometimes just needing to vent are all so important for your overall well being and having these connections will help your business thrive.

At the end of the working day, close the laptop and shut the door. Set up the out of office on your emails with clear working hours.
It’s so easy to get caught up in your business and check your emails 24/7, take calls after hours and work until midnight. It’s your baby after all and it requires nurturing, I get it! However, you will burn out and your business will ultimately suffer if you don’t switch off and give yourself the nurturing and self-care you also require.
Your business will still be there in the morning ready and waiting for you to conquer the day, recharged and ready to go!
Have you got any tips for working from home? We'd love to hear them in the comments below!